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Creating Better Things

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Adhiram About

About Adhiram

Adhiram, (Creating Things Better)  is a brand launched by Mrs. Bhavana Parihar, founder and Mr. Dilip Singh Parihar, co-founder on the 10th Anniversary of their existing brand Gigs Arena. December 11, 2022 is marked as the foundation day of this brand. The label is informed by broad cultural research and embraces a multiplicity of perspectives made by its craftsmen. Established as an handicraft label, Adhiram’s soulful creations are all set to expand to the global world of internet. Adhiram hails from the city of Jodhpur Rajasthan, which is well known for it’s heritage and handicrafts. 

More about Adhiram is yet to come! 

Hard Working

Hard working and creative aspirants seeking customer satisfaction.

Smooth Transition

For smooth transition adoption of best practices and standards.

Caring Support

Excellent customer support having a pleasant attitude

Adhiram Creative Crafts

New Arrivals

Most Loved by the Customers

Products ranked by their Love Index score, which is based on performance across two metrics: favorability and trust.

What Our Customers Say

I loved the product purchased from Adhiram and it was honour being their first client on the opening ceremony.
Jennifer Lewis
Unique collection of wide range of products that include Handicrafts items, artificial jewelry, apparels and many more.
Alicia Heart
Beautifully handcrafted items, the sculptures are worth watching. Would definitely return for the sculpture I want to be created.
Juan Carlos

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